Comprehensive design and construction of an enterprise telecommunications network, uniting branches in hard-to-reach areas.

  • Client: ELEMENT Ltd.
  • Service: System integration
  • Date: 2014

The Challenge

Our client, a major manufacturer and supplier of building materials, set us the task of uniting newly opened branches into their corporate network. The task was complicated by two factors: firstly, the impossibility of using open communication channels and the Internet, and secondly, the location of the branches in hard-to-reach areas, for example, one of the sawmills was located on an island 8 kilometers from the shore.


Our Approach

Together with the customer's IT department, we conducted a thorough analysis of all available options for connecting branches to the customer's corporate network. We calculated all possible costs for implementing various options. We selected the most suitable communication providers that met the customer's requirements, developed an implementation plan, and organized the last mile. Together with the selected communication providers, we organized the right communication channels (point-to-point) between the branches and the customer's data center, and organized transmission via a proprietary protocol.

The Solution

We created the communication channels required by our customer and united all of its branches, regardless of the inaccessibility of their location. During the construction of the last mile, we used the most modern wireless communication technologies, including, in one of the sections, we had to use a laser atmospheric communication channel.

  • When organizing the last mile, the specific location of each branch, terrain features, water obstacles and weather conditions that could affect further operation were taken into account.
  • To implement this project, we used the most modern wireless communication systems available, which allowed us to provide high-speed and stable communication for our clients' branches located in such hard-to-reach places.
  • To protect our client's data, we used a proprietary protocol, coordinated the use of additional equipment with telecom operators, and organized encrypted communication via point-to-point channels.

Results & Impact

  • As a result of the implementation of this project, through the use of advanced communication technologies, we managed to unite all newly opened branches of our customer into a single, secure, stable network, with high connection speed and the highest fault tolerance, regardless of their location in hard-to-reach places, be it mountains, forests or islands.
  • Our client was able to receive operational information from their production facilities in real time, which allowed them to make decisions faster and manage distributed production more efficiently.

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